Monday 22 October 2012

Must And Have To  ( + Had To )

Must is used to express an obligation to do something
Have to is used to show an action we are obliged to do. It can be used in the present, future and past tenses unlike must which has no past or future tense.
Note: has/ have to ( Simple Present ), shall/ will have to ( Simple Future) and had to ( Simple Past ).
However must shows a stronger obligation than have to.


Put in " must ",  " must to ", " have to", " had to", " has to".

1. Food ___________ be left uncovered.

2. Danny ____________ clean up this mess before his parents return.

3. The padi ___________ be milled before it can be sold.

4. You __________ write a ' thank you' note to your aunt tonight.

5. The army __________ surrender because many of its soldiers were wounded.

6. _________ we obey all the rules?

7. She ___________ believe a torc because it will be dark soon.

8. We ______________ throw rubbish on the ground.

9. Chin Xiong ____________ stay in bed because he had a fever.

10.I _________ thank her for her kindness.

Possessive Adjectives And Pronouns

Possessive Adjectives are adjectives used to show possession.

A Possessive Pronoun takes the place of a Possessive Adjective + a noun

 What do the underlined words my  and its show?

They show possession, such words are called Possessive Adjectives .

They are used with the nouns brother and kennel,

Other Possessive Adjectives are your, his, her, our and their.

Exercise : 

1.  We met ________ friends at the library.

2. Mr and Mrs Richards are just getting into _______ car.

3. He told me it was ______ brother who lost the chess game, not him.

4. He has a loud voice. We can hear ________ voice several houses away.

5. The dog wagged ________ tail when it saw the bone.

funny pictures

Friday 5 October 2012

Countable And Uncountable Nouns

Countable nouns are nouns which can be counted.
Children, books, birds and houses is countable nouns.
A, an, a few, many several, some, any, plenty of, a lot of and large number of are used with countable nouns.

Uncountable nouns are nouns which cannot be counted
We call rice, flour, water and ink is uncountable nouns.
A little, a great deal of, much, some, any plenty of, a lot of and a large number of are used with uncountable nouns.

Thursday 4 October 2012

"Practical English Usage" is bot a grammar. Instead it deals with the mechanics of usage and attempts to inculcate int the students the correct language habits. However, it is quite impossible to deal with the language without an introduction of a few grammatical terms - but this is as far as it goes, to serve a function and nothing more.  it also taught through recognition, identification and deduction in a newly devised question-framework.

Language Usage and Structure

1. Nouns
2. Countable and Uncountable Nouns
3. Collective Nouns
4. Agreement (1)
5. Agreement (2)
6. Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
7. Possessive Nouns and "Of the"
8. Can and Could
9. May and Might
10. Must and Have to ( +Had to )